How many times have you been in the middle of an urgent email, attaching a critical file, only to receive the dreaded notification: “file too large to send”?
Isn’t that frustrating?
Well, Microsoft has heard our collective moans of frustration. They’ve announced an update that promises to permanently resolve the ‘file too large’ issue.
And this is one of those rare occasions when something that appears too good to be true is indeed true!
In an official post on the Microsoft 365 roadmap, the tech giant disclosed plans to combine Outlook with Microsoft’s OneDrive cloud storage platform.
When you reach the attachment size restriction, Outlook will prompt you to upload your file to OneDrive, ensuring that your document reaches its intended destination.
Isn’t that clever?
This new function will be available initially for Android devices, but everyone else will receive it later this month. We do not have long to wait.
Soon, you won’t have to compress, resize, or even abandon your huge files. Or use third-party services (which can pose a security risk). Microsoft is paving the way for a more seamless, efficient email experience.
If you’d like a hand getting more from your Microsoft 365 subscription, get in touch.