Make sure your cloud server is protected from this

It’s a good idea to use a cloud server to power your company’s technology.

The advantages are enormous.

You can use as little or as much storage as you need without worrying about restrictions or large bills. Ideal for expanding businesses.

Any data can be accessed by your team from any location. Cloud servers were designed for today’s hybrid work environment.

And you don’t have to take up a lot of office space to house large servers and other equipment.

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric:

However, when using a cloud server, you must ensure that it is properly secured.

According to a recent report, cloud servers are increasingly being used as a point of entry for cyber criminals to launch attacks.

A whopping 41% of businesses that have been hacked revealed that cyber criminals gained access through their cloud server.

Worryingly, this figure is increasing by 10% year on year.

Why? It’s often because businesses don’t invest as much as they should in cloud server security.

You get what you pay for in technology, as in life. Many free cloud servers do not provide the same level of security and encryption as paid-for services. They are frequently less dependable as well.

When selecting a cloud server, it is critical that your company conduct extensive research to ensure that it meets all of your needs and is as secure as possible.

Better yet, hire an expert to conduct this research for you (we can help).

Here’s a couple of standard security measures you and your team should be following at all times.

  • Give everyone on your team a password manager to encourage them to create unique long random passwords for each login. The great thing about password managers is that they remember your passwords and even autofill the login boxes. That means improved security and convenience in one package.
  • You should also provide regular cyber security training to all employees in your company. Business emails are the second most likely source of an attack. Humans should always be the first line of defence, asking themselves, “wait, does this look right?”

It is impossible to prevent all attacks. However, if you take all of the necessary precautions to protect your company, the likelihood of a successful attack decreases dramatically.

If you need assistance selecting the best cloud server for your company, please contact us.